


Blackboard访问是您费用的一部分. 单独的订阅或访问 代码不是必需的.


Courses will not show up on your Blackboard account until the first day of classes 对于这个特定的术语. 最好的做法是仔细检查你的课程 WeevilNet账号与您的Blackboard账号匹配. 一旦学生被录取/退学 from a course, the Blackboard system must update the information that was entered 进入WeevilNet系统.

The Blackboard system updates Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST every hour. During these times there are four files that run: the first file creates all Blackboard user accounts for students, faculty, and staff, the second file creates all the courses available on campus based on the course schedule, the third file puts students and instructors inside their assigned courses based off of the information in WeevilNet, and the fourth file assigns the terms to the courses to code them when to open and 贴近学生. 密切注意你的课程何时开始是很重要的.

There are full semester courses, 8 week 1 courses, 8 week 2 courses, and Intersession 课程(春季学期末至夏季一学期之间的课程). If you are not sure when your course starts, make sure to log in to your WeevilNet account 核实你课程表上的信息.

Can I work at my own pace or do I have to follow a schedule when taking a distance 教育课程?

大多数教师都有完成课程的时间表. 你需要参考一下 请查阅教学大纲,了解作业/考试的截止时间.


Some courses require that you come to campus to take tests; some require that the final exam be taken on campus or at a proctored location, and others have no face-to-face 需求. 请参考您的课程大纲了解详细信息,或在注册之前 在课程中,您可以向讲师询问或发邮件了解详细信息.

Does a distance 教育课程 require less time to complete than a regular on-campus course?

Because most online courses follow a schedule of activities that last the entire term or semester, plan for your distance 教育课程 to last the same amount of time 作为一门校内课程.

我会知道我们班是否有其他学生吗? 我会知道他们的名字吗?

大多数在线课程都有讨论线、聊天室等. 你必须寄给它, 学生们用名字来标识自己. 一般来说,老师会找学生 向同学们透露一点个人信息. 成为一个积极的学习者: 参与讨论,提出问题,加入讨论!


泰勒图书馆有几个数据库,学生可以从校外访问. Here 是库链接:

bc365游戏 Library


学校将为你指派一名学术顾问. 你需要联系那个顾问 电话或电邮. 你的学术顾问信息可以在WeevilNet上找到 请参阅以下连结:


Once you log in, Advisor information is in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. 如果没有列出顾问,请联系学术咨询870-460-1633



  • Operate a Windows-based computer (or MAC if that’s what you have) and all its basic functions
  • Make sure you know how to update your PC to ensure it is running the latest version 它的操作系统. 如果你不知道该怎么买或者问别人要 帮助可能知道的人. 个人电脑健康问题!
  • Create folders in your File Explorer to organize course documents and assignments 你需要提交……这会让你有条理
  • Find, copy, move, rename, and delete files (NOTE: make sure you name the file with the name of the assignment plus your name so you can find it easier, or make sure 遵循教授/老师的命名指示.)
  • Always make sure your assignments are saved in the correct area on your computer and 仔细检查,确保你把它放在了该放的地方.
  • 创建备份文件,以防电脑崩溃
  • Be aware that Blackboard does NOT allow Google Docs or MAC Pages because most faculty 无法打开这些类型的文件
  • Create, edit, format, spell check, save, retrieve, and print a document correctly
  • 确保您的PC上安装了Microsoft Office产品. 和你在一起 作为一名学生,你可以获得五个免费的Office 365许可证,最多可以使用五台设备. Here is 如何将Office 365下载到你的电脑上

安装Office 365指南

  • Copy/paste information (NOTE: the common short for Copy is Ctrl + C and for Paste is Ctrl + V.
  • 使用电子邮件:发送、接收、存储和检索消息. (注:bc365游戏的电子邮件是 学生和大学教职员工之间的正式沟通方式. All official communication with students via email must be sent to the student’s bc365游戏-issued 电子邮件地址(格式为 * * * * * * @kingpaq.com"). 这是bc365游戏的沟通途径,从账单,敲定你的 账单,经济援助和住房. 经常检查你的学生邮件.
  • 发送、接收和打开附件
  • Utilize a web browser to access the internet, Open web pages, Open, print, and save 在adobeacrobat (.pdf),将url复制到Microsoft Word,使用搜索引擎(总是如此) 有多个浏览器可以使用,以防发生意外)
  • Make sure you know how to update your Internet Browsers and how to clear your cache/cookies/browser history. 你应该确保你可以在b谷歌Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, PC上的Microsoft Edge和Mac用户的Safari. 你可以知道怎么做这件事.
  • Blackboard supported file types include DOC, DOCX, HTM, HTML, MP3, MPG, PDF, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, TXT, ZIP和大多数图像类型.
  • 请确保您输入的登录凭证正确. 这将确保 您的帐户未被锁定.
  • If you need your MFA to be reset, you will need to contact IT IMMEDIATELY to get this 为您重置. 你这边的学生可不能这么做
  • If you’re traveling out of the country, PLEASE let IT know so we can configure your 出于数据安全原因考虑此问题,以保护您的/bc365游戏信息.
  • Work with videos (recording them/saving them/uploading them) Video submissions can take longer to submit in Blackboard rather than in other types especially depending on the video size (Hint: click submit one time and let it sit there and submit the video. 不要继续多次点击提交.
  • 请不要作弊,有很多方法可以看出你是否作弊了. 作弊的学生浪费 valuable time when that time can be used to learn the materials and pass the courses
  • Education Majors: if you need Anthology Portfolio help, please make sure to reach out for assistance so you fully understand how to use the product and what needs to 请在粉笔和电线vs .提交. 黑板需要做什么. 你会购买 您的选集作品集访问代码从bc365游戏书店.
  • Please make sure you preview your submissions BEFORE you submit it, this can save 给你添了不少麻烦. Blackboard允许学生在上课前预览他们的作业 submit. 另外,确保你点击的是Submit按钮,而不是Save as Draft button. 另存为草案不是提交.
  • Understand how to connect your PC/tablet/smartphone to Wi-Fi and troubleshoot if needed. 安全、强大的Wi-Fi连接对在线教育至关重要.
  • 在使用平板电脑/智能手机时,了解它们的功能.






All bc365游戏 students can access their bc365游戏 Account Information by using the bc365游戏 Account 查询链接:


The student will enter their last name, the last four digits of their Social Security 编号,并使用日历图标查找他们的生日. 在所有必需的信息之后 ,单击“搜索?. 将显示学生的bc365游戏 ID号码. 点击bc365游戏 ID号码和这将显示学生的所有bc365游戏登录信息.

If you are having issues with your account or you did not receive your account information, please contact the Office of Information Technology at 870-460-1036 or via e-mail at bc365游戏-ITHelp@kingpaq.com and an IT Staff member will be more than happy to help them get this taken care of.


首先,立即打电话/发邮件/发信息给你的导师,寻求指导. If your 指导员没有接听,请给他/她留言/留言. 别挂电话 打算以后再打来. 请提供你的名字,姓,什么 course you are in, a good way to contact you, and when you are available to communicate. Because there are always potential problems with technology, never wait until the 最后一分钟提交作业. 接下来,找到互联网接入. 给朋友打电话,拜访 去公共图书馆,或者去麦当劳或星巴克! 同时,立即与IT部门联系 电邮至 blackboard@kingpaq.com or uam-ithelp@kingpaq.com 或在此输入资讯科技工作订单:


这样的话,如果你的老师需要的话,就有文档了. 不要等到几天/几周 稍后要解决或提出问题,请立即处理!


Grades are available on Blackboard throughout the semester under the Grades Tool. 学期结束时,你的正式成绩会公布在WeevilNet上.



你应该给你的学术顾问发邮件 有关退课的详情. 你也可以联系学术咨询 870-460-1633 or advising@kingpaq.com 欲了解更多信息. 这可能会影响到你的经济援助. 你可以联系财务 Aid at finaid@kingpaq.com 如果你有任何问题,可以拨打870-460-1050. 


You can order an official copy of a transcript through the bc365游戏 website or by calling 注册办公室电话:870-460-1034.


Official transcripts have a fee attached; the online form will indicate the current fee. 非正式成绩单可通过WeevilNet获得.

Blackboard Learn中有什么类型的云存储?

In your course, you can instantly connect to multiple web apps where you store files. Blackboard Learn uses a cloud integration service for easy access to many web apps 在一个地方. 以下网页应用程式可供使用:

  • Box
  • Dropbox
  • GoogleDrive
  • OneDrive

For more information about cloud storage and how it integrated with Blackboard Learn please visit



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Campus Life